Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This Time We Will Not Promise and Forgive

Short Intro: 3rd music blog now that I've done, hopefully this one isn't long forgotten in a week.

For those that don't feel like reading this shit but don't know about This Time We Will Not Promise and Forgive: They're really fucking good, download it, and then get the email address for them at thistimesucks.com and at least pick up their newest cd "33℃". I'm pretty sure their full-length cd is still available from Rok Lok records, so get that from there if you want. Buy a CD, buy a shirt, shit whatever.

There really is so much to say about This Time We Will Promise and Forgive (This Time from here on out). I honestly really fucking respect all of these guys, not because of the bands they are also in are really fucking good: Killie (possibly Japan's best hardcore band next to This Time) and Yomoya, but because these guys really give a fuck about the scene they are growing up in (Koenji prefecture of Tokyo). Their first album is called "Inherent to the Generation that Doesn't Read Lyrics."

It may seem sort of, I dunno, stupid (idiotic, just plain douchey?) to name it something like that, but it's been part of a thing I'm trying to understand considering the culture of Japanese punk is a way different thing than the culture of American punk. It's honestly way better explained by someone that isn't me, but it's explained fairly well in the Killie- Afterall, The Opinion of One in a Hundred Million Will Not Reach Anyone (maybe I'll scan it sometime, it really is a fantastic read that got me way more into punk music not only in the US, but in the World and Japan as well, the World is a crazy place). With such a vast difference in scenes, it's hard to understand that a lot of people in Japan actually don't give a shit what the bands are saying, about what words are being communicated to them. I feel like that's one of the most important things about music itself, to have that next level connection of emotions through not only the instruments, but the lyrics as well.

And that is what This Time is all about. It's about what's wrong. It's about supporting your local music scene, trying to harbor what you can and build it from there into something every person in the area can love. I feel like that's the true message of music that is being lost today, the community. In the few times I've forced myself out, I've seen a community, but it always seems so fucking clique(y). No one branches out, meets new people, forges new connections into new friendships, and it's weird to think that even though I don't make it to the outside world much, this is something that bothers me most.

"This Time We Will Not Promise and Forgive- サンティカ (Santika)"

Enough with the rambling shit though, back to This Time. They play a style of hardcore very reminiscent to 90s style Ebulltion I guess? It's 90s sounding punk/emo, it's really fucking good. In fact, it's so good, I sing a long to it. All the lyrics are in Japanese, but I've somehow learned the words (no idea what they would be saying if it werent for some random batch of their lyrics in English on the internet) and sing a long to them every time their music comes on. It's not just straight forward punk, like the 6th track on their full length, Santika, but it is also really fucking catchy punk, like the third track on their full length, The Song of Delight. In fact, their whole fucking full-length is one of the greatest things I've just ever heard, and is a fully recommended download for all of those who like hearing new music, and more importantly, who love damn good punk.

This Time- Demo Tape/Demo CD-R (I think they're the same thing, this is at least what is on the Demo Tape)
This Time- Masturbate on D.I.Y. 7"
This Time- 歌詞を読まない世代へ継ぐ (Inherent to the Generation Who Don't Read Lyrics)
This Time- 33℃ (fucking buy this as well, it should cost you somewhere between $10-15 to get this from Japan, and it's fucking incredible, I promise. Or just download it and learn it that way)

This Time- 歌詞を読まない世代へ継ぐ lyrics

1 comment:

  1. 33℃, Masturbate on D.I.Y. 7"
    This Time- Demo Tape/Demo CD-R..i'm also missing these and would be your best friend forever if you could upload them again!!
