Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gauge Means Nothing- The Absent Trail Of An Echo And My Future Plagued By Surrender

For those who don't like to read: I've wracked my brain over this CDep for 5 years now. I still can't pinpoint how I feel about it after all these years. This band has few more releases, but I really can't find them (although I'll admit, I haven't put a lot of effort into that)

It's 3AM right now, I'm supposed to be studying for tests, but instead here I am channeling bullshit here. I remember the first time I downloaded this album, it was sometime in 2007, when I first first first started to explore the depths of hardcore/screamo (that wasn't City of Caterpillar mannnnnn). I downloaded this because I thought the black and white art of the album was cool looking, and man, what a fucking title. I don't remember being so turned off so repulsively by a CDep so quickly. Listening to "Pilgrims" all I could think is, "what in the fucking christ is going on here? clean female vocals, frantic shouting followed by clean sung vocals, sometimes all at the same time!; this music is way too fast paced for 7 minutes of shit." I wasn't the smartest kid in high school, I'll go ahead and admit that right now. So I stashed this album away, doomed to the abyss of which I will never listen to it again. Every fucking year though, like clock work, I would find myself listening to the first song on this CDep (for some reason, I never progressed past this song, I just gave up halfway through because "I didn't get this," or whatever. Yet again, not the brightest.) For me with the first song, it really just repulses me around the 4:20 mark, when it's the female clean vocals over a violin in drums. It just sounded like shit to me then. Hell, I'm still not a fan of it, although I've warmed up a little bit.

I think the main problem with Gauge Means Nothing for me truly lies in the vocals. Although it's something I'm all fucking about now, it took 4 and a half fucking years for me to get into them. On the first listen, and multiple subsequent listens, it's just way too fucking much to take in at once. Couple that in with the music that'll just have different instruments thrown in whenever the fuck they damn well like it (pianos, violins, xylophones (i think?)). It's certainly something unique though. I feel the need to make this point though, you need to give it a chance, let it grow on you. This music fucking twists and turns like no other, and the vocals take you on an even crazier ride. It all changes on the fly, and it can get especially wary when it constantly shifts between frantic yelling --> clean female singing --> clean male singing --> frantic yelling + clean female singing --> frantic yelling + clean male singing --> fuck it, why not all of them at once?

So lets call me an idiot for this mistake, and hope that you don't repeat it (although you just may not like this release, I still encourage you to revisit it when you want to though). And forgive me for such a grievous mistake, for I never made it to the song "(Surely) Dies Black."

Gauge Means Nothing- "(Surely) Dies Black"
for some reason this song is listed under youtube as "Pilgrims," I dunno man.

First off, holy shit. What a god damn fucking song. For all the crazy tempo changes that happen on the other 3 songs on this CDep, this song motherfucking nails it. From the super slow start at the beginning, you don't really see the heaviness building into a complete stop that transitions right into the usual frantic screaming this band pulls off. The true shit hits at the 3:48 mark, in what I would like to put in my "Top 5 parts of any song, ever." It really doesn't get any better than this fucking part, in which I can not describe in words, because it is too fucking good. I mean the rest of the song is great as well, but the amount of times I've listened to this excerpt from the middle is way too fucking high to count. It seriously transcends most shit people right though, and is worth your time alone for you to download/listen to.

if this 4shared links act shitty towards you, let me know. I'm too lazy to upload this on my own this late at night. I'll provide a new, not-4shared link though if wanted.


  1. Yeah, when I released this in 2003, the reviews were completely polarizing. Either the reviewer was over the moon about it, or they thought it was unlistenable. Some distributors even refused to carry it because they said they couldn't sell it. Well, it only took a year to sell out of all the LP's, so obviously there were some people getting it.

    They also have a split CD with My Precious and a single Last Song. Members of the band went on to be in Nitro Mega Prayer, Bright and Dark Side, Imozoku, PS. Burn This Letter, and some others.

    Also, you can still get this on CD at my store. Mind putting a link up there?

  2. Definitely don't mind putting a link up there for buying it. Also, there goes me asking about where I can find a copy of the 12" version of this, back to looking.
